Friday 28 June 2013

First chapter almost closed.

It is now Friday afternoon and we have just said goodbye to Ruth, Harry and Luke who have gone to spend a couple of days with friends in LA before they continue their journey. It was lovely to have them with us for the last couple of days.
Since our bus disaster day on Tuesday we have spent most of the time just across the road at Disneyland and California Park. We have survived Splash Mountain; soared over California by 3D; been rescued by Indiana Jones; travelled the Rivers of America on board the sailing ship Columbia; bobsledded down the Matterhorn and  became drenched while shooting the rapids in the Grizzly River Run. All exciting and great fun. The down side for Brian is sore and blistered feet!
Disneyland is a delightful and family-oriented theme park. Being holiday time it is also packed with people from all over the world and in addition, being summer, it is very, very warm. But it's a place of much enjoyment and entertainment.
Tomorrow we pick up our hire car and start our journey eastward then the real fun begins!

 Beware! Driving in America
  Main Street, Disneyland

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